Monday, December 3, 2007

Thanksgiving.... just a little bit late!

Thanksgiving this year was a rollercoaster ride. I digress ... let's go back a little bit to the weekend that my friend JM came to visit. I found out that weekend that the lady that I nanny for had decided that since her husband had to work and have meetings during the week that they were suppose to go to Palm Desert, CA and the husband wouldn't be able to go on the trip with them that she would like for me to come along! WOW! I was so excited especially since I've never been to CA. Plus I live in Minnesota and it's cold here in November. So cold that I haven't even wanted to really go 4 wheeling! Which if I'm turning down going wheeling you know it must be cold because 4 wheeling is just about my favorite thing to do! So the thought of spending time in Sunny California - I was just so excited! I barely knew what to do with myself. So I got ready and packed! We were suppose to leave on the Saturday before Thanksgiving and I would fly home w/ MK on Thankgiving night because she had a weekend hockey tourney to go to! I was so excited and the only draw back in my mind was that I would be gone for IV's first Thanksgiving. So we get down to the Friday afternoon before Thanksgiving & I get a msg from the lady that I nanny for that the husband has changed his mind, he's going and now I'm not going to have a seat on the jet. Then she asks if I can watch the dog while they are gone and so I said yes, but I was very disappointed. The girls were very said especially MM and MJ - of course I didn't really know what to say other than I wished I was going too, but it was not to be. So I ended up watching Kirby the dog and had a whole long list of things to get done, I had taken 3 days off of work and ended up going ahead and not going to work just because I needed a break and I had such a long list of things to do for the lady that I nanny for that I was lucky to get it all done on Wednesday so I could pack up Kirby the dog and take him out to my house, it's about an hours drive. To top things off IV got sick and I ended up watching her on Wednesday for AJ my sister. So it truely was crazy. I managed to drive home on Wednesday w/ a whiny dog, a sick baby and all my stuff packed into my truck. Geez it was quite the hour drive. So I got up the next morning and made bran muffins to share w/ my family and headed over to my sister's who was hosting Thanksgiving dinner. I even brought Kirby the dog! So we had a very healthy meal and I didn't overeat this year which I was very proud of myself for especially with my weight loss going so well at this point! I've lost 52 pounds and I only have 48 pounds left to lose. My weight loss is still going, but it's going slower now than it did at first. I knew that would happen - but it is harder to stay in the same place on the scale for longer periods.
We watched the Macy's parade, played w/ IV, talked and hung out as a family. We just had so much fun and it was so relaxing this year. I'm going to post some pictures that we took on Thanksgiving! I hope that you all had great celebrations with your loved ones.... From my family to yours: Happy Holidays! Blessings & Prayers - Mandy

So now here's what you've all been waiting for the pictures right :) !!! The first one is my family: EV, AJ, Me, IV, Dad & Mom.

In these photos my mom is trying to show IV - kirby the dog in his holiday sweater!

What was really funny about Kirby and IV is that she would grab the back of his sweater & he would pull her along trying to get away from the toddler's mighty grasp! So comical!

This is my Dad and IV - she loves him so much and he loves her too it's just too cute!

This is my Mom and IV - she loves being a Grandma and can't wait to have more Grandbabies!

This is my parents w/ IV and I just love this picture - I took it and I said: "Wow... I just really got that moment you know!"

This is EV, IV, & AJ on their first Thanksgiving as a family of 3.

EV & IV - so sweet!

So last but not least I couldn't leave out a picture of me and my baby sister AJ!

Happy Thanksgiving all... I've enjoyed reading about all your holidays! Thanks for Sharing!


Carey and Norman said...

What a wonderful Thanksgiving. Looks like the whole family had a good time together. IV is adorable!

Adrienne, Another Ordinary Miracle said...

Wow, what a busy Thanksgiving! I'm sorry it didn't work out for you to go on the trip, but I'm happy for you that you got to spend it with your family! IV is the cutest little baby girl, and I loved the family photos--you have a beautiful family.

Happy early birthday to IV!