Wednesday, August 29, 2007


I'm thankful for my family - my sister who always listens to me & puts up with me just lavishing all kinds of attention on IV, and IV who always makes me smile, and my brother-in-law EV - who is the best trainer and is helping me to get my body to work for me! I'm thankful for my mom who is supporting me no matter what I decide on my adoption. I'm thankful for my dad who didn't get upset with me about the accident w/ my truck last Monday 8/20.
My sister took a couple of pictures of me holding IV today & I'm in a picture sharing mood so here they are intermingled in a long post.

I'm thankful for my friends Dan & Bette- who have been giving up their free time to help me fix my wheeler w/ out taking it into the dealership - so that I don't get over charged.
I'm thankful for my friends Jen & Lyn - who live far away from me but still make an effort to email me, read my blog, post comments, stay in touch and just be all around wonderful girlfriends.
I'm thankful for each and everyone of my new blog friends: Debbie, Becky, Adrienne, Sira, April, Melissa, Rachel, Carey, Christy, Jeana, & Amy. I hope I didn't miss anyone - who has given me positive responses and encouraged me even though I'm nervous and dragging my feet at this point.
I'm thankful that I found CHI and my contact Ali - she is so sweet and I enjoy every time I talk to her or get an email from her!
I'm thankful that I know that when the time comes for my adoption to take place that I've got a support network like this and people who've been so giving and caring - that I'll be able to learn from there experiences and hopefully pass on my knowledge to those that take this journey after me!
Okay I promise this is going to be my last post for today. Debbie's blog inspired me to count my blessings & w/ the post about the girls I nanny for I want to say that those three little girls and their family are a blessing to me.
I'm very blessed by God and I'm thankful for his hand in my journey to my adoption.
May all of you out there count your blessings.


Becky and Keith said...

Isn't the blogging world great! We're thankful for your energy and excitement and encouragement as well! :-) Great pictures... your niece looks like so much fun!

Adrienne, Another Ordinary Miracle said...

What a beautiful post! Love the pictures too! You are on the right track. Hang in there :)

Carey and Norman said...

I agree that without our adoption friends, it would be much harder going through the adoption process. What a great group of people who truly support our every thought and decision and lift us up in our times of doubt or worry. Keep us posted on your decisions and may God lead you to make the right decision.

Living to Love said...

It is funny because I was telling people the other day that we thought we were keeping a blog in order tor family to stay updated. One of the best things we have found from starting the blog is the support from those in blogland.