Wednesday, August 29, 2007

8/28/07 - My Nanny Job ...

The girls who pretty much have inspired me to adopt are the little girls that I nanny for quite often if anyone has read my whole entire blog you'll know that I refer to them as MM (12), MK(10), MJ(7) - so since they've been so proud of me that I've lost 25 lbs so far, I took pictures with each one of the girls so we'd have a spot to remember where we were at when I reached my first BIG goal. I just thought I would share the pictures with you all! Hope you are having a wonderful day!

This is a picture of me & MM - she has grown from a sweet little girl into a wonderful & caring preteen! MM has become not only some one who is a great cheerleader, but she is smart & helpful. When I see her help with her little sisters, it reminds me of her mother & myself. I'm glad to have been a part of watching her grow up. I love her bunches.

This is a picture of MK and me - she is the one who brought up adoption to me in the first place. MK can be a challenge, but she teaches me lots of things. When I say that she teaches me - what I really mean is that I learn about not only how to deal with kids that aren't simple, but I learn more about myself and how to deal with the tough spots. How to work through it and then still have a positive attitude an hour or two later. MK is a great hockey player & I love helping out with her team. MK is a blessing to me in more ways than I will probably ever know. I love her so much.

MJ is so sweet. She looks at the bright side of life, she always has a smile and in turn spreads that smile to everyone she encounters. She loves to get dressed up & look cute. I love MJ - because she brings out the silliness in me & makes me smile. This is bedtime last night w/ MJ - we took this picture right before taking turns reading the Mudge & Henry book, after that it was hugs & kisses & lights out!


Deb said...

Beautiful kids. They each sound so special. Congratz on meeting your first goal.

Becky and Keith said...

What a great goal! Congrats! What great kids - they are very lucky to have you and it sounds like you're very lucky to have them! Hope you're having a great night!