Friday, July 13, 2007

Reading on Adoption...

I started to read this book last night it's from and it's called Adopting On Your Own: The Complete Guide to Adoption for Single Parents by Lee Varon. It's an amazing book and I can't believe how much information is packed in between these pages and questions that I've been thinking about and that I've been asked by the people in my life are all right there in the book. I know that most of the people out there are probably adopting as a married couple, but if anyone knows someone who is single and looking to adopt, I'd recommend this book to them. It has such a wealth of information and also it's written by a woman who adopted as a single parent. I'm hoping to finish up with this book in a week or two and start on this book: The Ultimate Insider's Guide to Adoption: Everything You Need to Know About Domestic and International Adoption - so that I'll have some material read and researched under my belt before I turn in my application. I usually don't have internet access on the weekends - so if you don't hear from me that is why leave me any comments or messages and I'll get back to you as soon as I can... Hopefully all of you will have a great weekend! MandyJo

1 comment:

Deb said...

That book sounds great. I have a single friend adopting. I just ordered her a copy. Thanks