Wednesday, March 12, 2008

03.08.08 - Wheeling weekend in Danbury, Wisconsin

This is last weekend - I went up with a group of friends to Danbury, Wisconsin to go 4 wheeling for the whole weekend!

Danbury, WI 03.08.08

We had a good time! I spent two Saturdays in a row up in Danbury, Wisconsin 4 wheeling. I had a great time this weekend and we had great weather. A little cold for some but I dressed super warm and stayed warm even after the sun went down. If you ever get to go to Danbury it's a great little tourist spot. It was really a fun place to stay! Hope you are all doing well. Thanks for all the comments, thoughts, and responses to what is going on with me!

1 comment:

Troy and Rachel said...

Sounds like the four wheeling has been so much fun!! Troy would be so jealous as he loves to ride also. Hope you are doing well and take care -