Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Late Post on Girls Night Out....

On the Saturday after Thanksgiving 11/24/07.... I went out w/ a few of my girlfriends dancing. I'd like to tell you about a few of my friends. TK is one of my best friends I've known her since I was probably 11 or 12. It's very rare these days when friendships last as long as ours has not that we haven't had good times and bad but the point of it is that we've stuck with it. Whatever we face in our friendship we work through it sometimes it maybe tough or it may take time, but we always work through the hard times and try to be there for each other. The other thing about us is that we have totally different lives. TK has been married for 10 years to her high school sweetheart, her anniversary was just last week and she has four beautiful little girls. She is one of those people that I could tell anything and not worry that it would be the end of the friendship if she didn't agree with me. In some ways we are a whole lot a like and in other ways we are night and day type of different. I know that she is one of those people who has stood by me in times when I was struggling to make it. TK has been such a great supporter of my weight loss & just me in general. TK works full time and takes care of her husband and the kids and spends time w/ her family. We try to make time to talk on the phone or txt or email. We don't always get together as much as we'd like, but I know it's not for lack of wanting to be together. I admire the way that even though it must be hard for her to see my position in life, she always tries to see my point of view and I really enjoy that about her. TK and I have always liked to go out dancing it's just one of those things were we can lose track of time and have so much fun! The outfit I was wearing in the pictures from this night 11/24/07 was a goal outfit that I'd never fit into before. It felt so good :) not only to acheive something that I thought was impossible but to have TK there to celebrate it with me! She is just one of those people who I really care about and who really cares about me! She inspires me to do and be more and to not settle for that I'm very Thankful that I've been blessed w/ a friend like her. So here are a couple of pictures of the two of us!

This is my friend KT - I guess we met about 5 or more years ago, playing hockey for the Buffalo Thunderbirds. We were the youngest two on our team and hit it off and we've just always kept in contact. KT is one of those people who I can really relate to because she is single and my age and still looking for that Mr. Right. KT and I liked to work out together, go shopping, catch movies, talk, and talk or just play some hockey. Last summer we even played on a men's league team. That was a blast. Not to mention the locker room was always interesting. She and I both have one neice, we both have sisters who are married. Our parents are still married! She likes cars and I like 4 wheeling, but we just have a whole lot of fun together. I tend to push her beyond her limits to have her try new things like.... going out dancing. This was her first time and she did great and we had a blast. KT is also one of those people who has been really supportive about my weight loss and also my plans to adopt. Katie is a really great friend.

It's really great to have support from your close friends when you are working on such major life changes. I'm happy to say that I'm really blessed in this department, because not only do I have a great family, but also great friends who I feel are more like family! Merry Christmas everyone ... and as it's closing in on New Years I hope that you are all planning on celebrating whatever you've made it through this year or even celebrating all of the wonderful things to look forward to in 2008. Just so you know I haven't forgotten... I made a little list of things that I need to post about and here they are ...
in no certain order. IV's birthday, Grandma Runner coming to visit, My new job and quitting my previous job, and Christmas. Hopefully I can get everything posted before the new year comes so I can start fresh and not be behind!

11/25/07 - Girls Night Out


Carey and Norman said...

Congratulations on the weight loss and fitting into the outfit you've been wanting to wear. I always keep my favorite jeans or pants just in case I can wear them again. It took me over 2 years to lose my weight from my pregnancy with our son, so I know how you feel. I'm very proud of your accomplishments and staying so focused on your goal!

Becky and Keith said...

Congrats on your goal!! What a great way to celebrate. Girls night out is just what the doctor ordered - comes as a much needed time! Looks like you had a blast!

Troy and Rachel said...

Mandy - You look fantastic!! And what great friends you have. I have a friend that I've known forever and I don't know what I would do without her. I am so glad you have friends like them around you!

Danigirl said...

Hi Mandy,

Thanks for the encouragement on our blog ( Alexa being a picky eater. We are glad to know that we are doing the correct thing and standing strong on the food they eat. We were worried at first about the attachment and bonding if we didn't feed her what she wanted. We will continue to just stand our ground. She will be hungry sooner or later.

Thanks, Danica & Chris

Sira said...

Congrates on the weight loss. Friends are so important. I am glad you have some that are super supportive! Believe me you will need it for this journey

Michael, Carrie, and S said...

Hi Mandy,

Congrats on your weight loss! Thanks for commenting on our blog! I remember that you wanted to find out more about Tver. I tried to click on your email and had a little trouble, so if you want to email me, there is a link on my profile page. I'll be glad to tell you about the region!

Carrie O'Neal :)