Monday, July 16, 2007

Russia Accreditation Process Proceeds...

Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Russia Accreditation Process Proceeds
Children's Hope received news that eight international adoption agencies, seven based in the U.S. and one in France, received their accreditation in Russia on Wednesday, July 4. Although Children's Hope was not one of the first accredited, we welcome this information and are excited the accreditation process has finally begun!

As the accreditation process proceeds, we will be notified of the timetable for the next batch of agencies to be accredited. New updates will be released as specific official information is received.

Sue Ellison
Russia Program Director

While I know that quite a few of my blog friends keep me updated on the accreditation progress of Russia. I know that some of my family reads my blog and might be interested to know that Russia is sending out accreditation to adoption agencies and I'm hoping and praying that CHI will be next in line. I copied the above update from the CHI website. Hope this post finds everyone happy and healthy! - MandyJo

1 comment:

Sira said...

Don't worry too much on the accredidation. It expired a month after I turned in my dossier! If you knew me back then you would know that I was a complete wreak! Here I am today with my little Russky telling others that "it will happen" I hated it so much when people would say that to me but it is so true. This is just the road God wants you to go down right now- at the end of that road you will find your daughter- then the other journey begins- and it is the best journey of all!