Wednesday, March 5, 2008

ATV Fun Anyone?

Well this is my first attempt at riding in the winter of Minnesota with my 4 wheeler!

Open Trails ATV Club ride in Chatfield, MN on 2/16/08.

I'm the girl in the brown carharts on the red wheeler - check out my pictures! I hope that you like them! I had a great time in the snow even though we were out all day in the snow and we only went about 10 miles - let's just say we got stuck a whole bunch and ended up having to .... help each other out! Teamwork is the key!

*I am not sure how to post the actual slide show on my blog like everyone else does with all their pictures - so sorry about that if it doesn't work just use the link above and it will take you to my webshots pages.

Chatfield Ride 02.16.08


Troy and Rachel said...

Look at all that snow!! Looks like it would be tons of fun and I know Troy would have loved to have been along for that!! Keep enjoying your free time!

Carey and Norman said...

First, thank you for being such a great cheerleader for me (us) during our adoption. You are so faithful and so great at leaving such supportive and thoughtful comments.

Second, you look amazing. You look so good in your recent photos from your birthday. I'm so proud of you for sticking to your diet and losing 75 pounds. You look great. And don't worry, the Marlboro Man will come in God's timing. You have to have faith just like in the adoption process. You will be connected to Mr. Right in his perfect timing.

Third, how much fun was four wheeling in the snow. I'm jealous as that looked like great fun. I love playing in the snow and we just do not get the opportunity in TN. I can't complain as I do love my warmer spring and fall weather.

Lastly, I hope your job continues to go well for you. I know you are stressed and busier than normal. Maybe this is God's way to keep you mind occupied until he is ready for you to move forward with your adoption. Maybe this is just temporary. I know you miss working with your sister and seeing IV, but maybe there are bigger plans awaiting for you in the future!

Thanks again for all your comments!!