Wednesday, June 11, 2008


Hey - I'm updating my blog from being gone on several occasions and then there have been some posts that I'd been working on for a while - so if you want to see them all make sure that you scroll all the way down to see all of the latest posts.  I think I did 4 posts yesterday, but I'm dating them when they should have been posted so that they are in order. 


Troy and Rachel said...

Hey - Just caught up with your blog and wanted to say your South Dakota trip looks like so much fun!!

As far as adoption - you really have to follow your heart and I know you'll come to the right decision.

I'll keep you in my prayers!

Becky and Keith said...

hey girl!! Looks like you've been busy, huh? I have to agree with Rachel... follow your heart. You'll know when it's right - I promise!

Keep the posts coming! We love reading about everything!