Tuesday, January 8, 2008

IV's Birthday Celebration

So when you have a neice and she is so sweet like IV - you just want to talk - which here means BRAG about her all the time! IV has been such a blessing for so many reasons. She makes me smile, laugh, look at life with brand new eyes. Her first birthday was wonderful. My Grandma Runner came up to visit for IV's birthday; she got in on a Wednesday night and then stayed until the following Tuesday morning. My sister had some vacation time and took a few days off so that my sister AJ & baby IV - could get in some quality time with Great Grandma! Then on Saturday we had IV's birthday party. She had two cakes. Lots of people at her party. Family, Friends and another little boy who was so cute. IV really got the hang of ripping the paper off of packages. She got a tricycle from EV and AJ. Mom and Dad got her a little grocery cart. She got lots of books and toys. I got her a little vacuum cleaner that sings & teaches the alphabet. I also got her a cute little winter outfit w/ cute sweater and brown cord pants. It was great to be able to spend some time with my family.
During the past few weekends, I've had so much time with my wonderful family. We had some good talks, we played some cards, watched National Treasure Book of Secrets-even IV went to the movie. She slept most of the way through. Her smart mommy planned the family going to the movie during her nap time. I would recommend the movie to any of you that need an idea for a date night. National Treasure the original was a great movie, but the second one was just as good. If you don't check it out on the big screen, make sure you check it out on DVD. My dad and I went Christmas shopping on Christmas eve for my mom, which is always fun - even though the roads weren't the greatest. Much to the rest of my family's dismay Dad and I took so long shopping for mom we didn't get home in time to make it to Christmas eve service at Church. :( It was good to spend time with my Dad though and just having time to talk to him.

I wanted to let you all know that I have pictures that I'd like to add to these blogs, but what has happened is - I was so busy with work at DFI - that I didn't get a chance to write my blogs and update you all on everything over the last week I was at work. I ended up taking my computer home (with all my pictures on it) home yesterday! I am going to work on getting internet at my house, but as of right now I don't have it at my house so I'm posting from a computer at the family I nanny for. I have some great pictures from IV's birthday and I think that right now I'm only missing one post and that one would be for Christmas... hope you all had a great Holiday! I've enjoyed reading all about you guys! Pictures to come.... MJ

1 comment:

Becky and Keith said...

Can't wait to see the pics of that cute little one! :-)