Monday, September 10, 2007

A Family from my church...

Happy Monday to all out in blogland ...

There is a family from my church in China right now traveling to pick up their little girl Zia. I would like to have everyone include this family in their prayers. The family is Kirk, Susie, Sophie, and baby Zia Wulf. I'm also including a link to their blog A few months back on the night that I had an appointment to talk to my pastor Ruth Ann about my adoption hopes - I'd gotten into town a little early and went to the church and Pastor Ruth Ann wasn't there yet so I thought to myself it's silly to drive home and then drive back - I'll run to the little bookstore and see if I can look for some books on adoption while I wait. Lo an behold I met Susie Wulf and she is so sweet and talked w/ me about adoption and adopting their daughter Sophie & about being in the process of adopting another baby from China. So I think it was meant to be that night that I happened into Susie's little bookstore so that we'd be able to talk about adoption and she would give me insight into her own experiences, while also giving me a little boost before my meeting with Pastor Ruth Ann. My meeting with the pastor went very well that night, but remembering that Susie was so sweet to me has always been another one of those signs that Adoption is in my future. Thanks for the prayers... MandyJo

P.S. I hit the 30 pound mark in my weight loss this morning. I'm so proud of myself now if I could only save money as quickly for my adoption as I'm loosing weight!


Living to Love said...

I will keep Zia and family in my prayers!! 30 pounds!!!! that is wonderful!!!! Awesome job! Go girl! In January, I started weight watchers and lost 25 but I gained 10 back I am starting to go back strict weight watchers today actually!! I decided that last week! You just motivated me more!

Troy and Rachel said...

30 pounds - that's awesome - You must tell me your secret because I am failing miserably. We'll pray for Zia and her family.

Becky and Keith said...

Congrats on your weight loss! I'd love to know you're secret too! Ever since I started "exercising" (ha!) I seem to be gaining weight? And no... it's not muscle! Thanks for letting us know about Zia and her family!

Adrienne, Another Ordinary Miracle said...

What a sweet story!

30 pounds?!?! OH MY GOSH! That's so incredible! You are working so hard, you should be so proud of yourself! We are all proud of you in blogland! :)

I will remember little Zia and her family too!